
Airbnb Potential to Spur Economic Growth Unlimited’, Could Drive Investment, Banking and Hotels to New Heights | Bahamas Real Estate

Nassau, Bahamas – The Bahamas has barely scratched the surface of benefits from the short-term home rental movement fostered by companies like Airbnb, says a top real estate broker. “Airbnb is revolutionizing the travel market enabling visitors to live in a home or apartment where they can experience local life. Airbnb’s popularity among families is especially […]

Entrepreneur Timothy Smith: ‘Younger Bahamians Can No Longer Be Ignored, Ready to Serve | Bahamas Real Estate

Entrepreneur Timothy Smith: ‘Younger Bahamians Can No Longer Be Ignored, Ready to Serve Younger Bahamians who turned out in droves to vote on election day can no longer be ignored and now stand ready to serve in advisory roles and on boards, contributing innovative ideas and fresh approaches to the challenging issues facing The Bahamas, […]

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