family home

7 Pool Safety Tips to Ensure You Have a Splashing Good Time This Summer | Bahamas Real Estate

Pools are fun. But pools are also dangerous, and maintaining yours is a big responsibility. From handling potentially hazardous chemicals to safeguarding access and stocking all the right safety equipment, pool upkeep is no joke. However, the more preparation and attention you put into your backyard pool area, the safer your home will be. Here are […]

Six Fastest Ways to Save for a House | Bahamas Real Estate

Once you’ve decided it’s time to buy your own home, saving for that 5% or 10% down payment is step one toward doing it. Instead of waiting years, here are the six fastest ways to save for a house in a matter of months. Explore the market. Keep your priorities in focus. Automate your savings. Generate […]

Things You Should Never Leave In The Bathroom | Bahamas Real Estate

Ahh, your bathroom. A place for reflection, peace and sometimes ease of tension. And many times a great start and end to  a productive day. This also means you spend a lot of time in your bathroom; showing, shaving, putting on makeup or even reading a good book. And what happens during your daily actives […]

14 Questions To Ask Your Landlord Before Renting A Place | Bahamas Real Estate

So you’ve been searching for an apartment, and you’ve found the “perfect place,” and now you’re excited to get started. But before you sign that lease, there are specific questions to ask a landlord before renting the place. After all, this is where you would be living, and you need to be crystal clear on […]

5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Home Stager | Bahamas Real Estate

Almost all home buyers begin their search online, meaning sellers need to make a good first impression so potential buyers want to see their home in person. As a real estate company, we know how important it is to discuss staging your home before you list it for sale. We have seen firsthand the difference […]

Green Ideas For Selling Your Home | Bahamas Real Estate

Purchasing a green home is an added bonus for many homebuyers. At the same time, practicing more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible lifestyles can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources.  Here’s some green ideas for selling your home and will set you apart from the rest. -Make sure you install energy-efficient lighting […]

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