Tips on Detaching from a place you once called Home | Bahamas Real Estate

Like many people, you probably have a deep emotional attachment to your home. We attach ourselves to childhood memories of growing up, our kids, life, heartaches, disappointments, and celebrations. Almost everything we experience is attached to our home. Then it comes time to sell and it is often too difficult to let go of memories that we once cherished. So how do we let go? These tips provided will help you to not let go of the memories but to transfer those memories to the next new chapter of your future home.

Be ready and let go!

Acknowledging up front that selling your home can be stressful, will help you make better decisions down the road.

The moment you begin to think about selling all of the memories flood back into your head! “It was on that floor where I cried tears of joy!” “The kids grew up in this room and they played on that swing set!” “This was my very first home!” “We had our very first fight here and we made up over there!” “We had the best parties in this yard!” The list can go on and on. The truth is in order to let go of those memories you must make sure that you are ready to move on. This is essential, if you are not ready then you will attach yourself to all of the memories you once shared and it will be difficult for you to let it go.

Create Keepsakes and transfer those memories to your future

Detaching and letting go doesn’t mean that you won’t get to keep those memories, it just simply means that there is a time to make new memories. Memories are great and cherishable forever! The best way to keep those past memories is to prepare pictures, keepsakes and memorabilia so that you can take with you to your future home. I’m sure if you have ever been to a theme park or on vacation with your loved ones you probably enjoyed yourself and created awesome memories. You took pictures and shared them with others and spoke to individuals about the wonderful experiences you had. You don’t take the theme park or vacation with you, you take the memories! The more you travel and go on vacations you just add that to your previous experiences and can say we went here and there and had a great time! This will be the same with your house. You take the memories with you and add them to your future!

Stop calling it a home, it is now a product!

This might be difficult to do especially if you are still living in it when trying to sell. It is important that from the moment you want to sell that you begin looking at the house as a product. This means it is and will no longer be your home and it is time to begin referring to it as a house. This will help in being realistic as we discussed earlier. Because it is a product you should begin taking down some of the things that make it feel like home such as pictures and personal touches that you have created. You have to begin looking at the house as something you want to sell and stage it according to a future buyer. Once you can do this when buyers come to the house they can begin picturing themselves in it and make the transactions a lot easier. You have to remember that you want the buyers to feel at home and it is difficult for them to do this if all they see are your memories.

Understand that the process will be difficult but worth it!

Whoever said that selling a home would be easy? There are many parties involved in a real estate transaction from attorneys, banks, realtors, inspectors, appraisers, and the list can go on. Because it is real estate there are many things that occur to make sure that the transaction goes smoothly but things will happen! Regardless of what happens, you must remember that in the end, it will be worth it.

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Hire a professional Real Estate Agent

Because of the many attachments, you will face with the house it is important to hire someone who can help you detach. A realtor will help you de-associate by making recommendations on things that need to be done in order to get the house sold. This means sometimes that you have to set boundaries and trust that the realtor will have your best interest at heart. Your agent will recommend some changes to make your home more attractive to buyers. When they make recommendations it is only because they know what they are doing. Remember that this is their job and they put a lot of strategies and plans together to make sure that the house is sold. Because they are not attached to the house like you, they can bring balance to the transaction. Your agent will protect you!

If you’re not ready, wait to sell

Emotional attachment can lead a seller to make irrational decisions.  If you are not able to detach, give yourself some time to prepare mentally. It can be hard to come to the terms of reality and will make the transition very difficult for all parties involved in the transaction. When sellers are not ready excuses will come along with unrealistic expectations. “This is my home and I loved it here so it should sell for this much over the market value price!” “I want to make sure that this buyer will appreciate my home and treat it right!” “I don’t want a buyer who will tear down this wall because I charted my kids, height here!” Too often because sellers are not ready it is very easy to slip into emotions when making decisions on price, value, and the things that are really important. This will make it difficult for the house to sell as well as coming up with a realistic market value price. This is why you must be certain that the current time is the right so you can be open to the professional realistic point of view and let it go.

Contact a Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate MCR Bahamas Agent today, To sell your home!
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Tips on Detaching from a place you once called Home | Bahamas Real Estate

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