
7 Ways the Coronavirus Will Change How We Design, Style, and Live in Our Homes

The current health crisis could have lasting effects on how we view our personal spaces. Home is no longer just a place to rest your head. Since the 2020 coronavirus outbreak began, our homes have transitioned into makeshift offices, gyms, classrooms, restaurants, cocktail bars, concert venues, movie theaters, and more. With so many activities happening […]

Stopping the spread of COVID-19: Difference between cleaning and disinfecting

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different things. Cleaning means using soap and water to remove dirt and most germs. Disinfecting means using cleaning solutions that have ingredients that kill bacteria and other germs. Many surfaces look clean but may be contaminated with germs. The Centers for Disease Control recommends the following when cleaning or disinfecting: […]

Stopping the spread of COVID-19: Washing Hands

Handwashing is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Handwashing is a win for everyone… except for the germs. Based on what is currently known about this coronavirus, also called […]

Effective ways to kill COVID-19 in your home

There are many home cleaning supplies that may be effective against the novel COVID-19 (Coronavirus.)  Scientists recommend using disinfectants that are known to work against other coronaviruses and also advise following the specific instructions for each cleaning supply that you use. “An important general rule is that you shouldn’t immediately wipe a cleaning solution off […]

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