
Your Complete Guide to Getting Rid of Bathroom Mold

Mold is an ugly four-letter word that is found all too often in bathrooms. Learn the best ways to remove bathroom mold and prevent it from coming back. With warm, humid conditions, the bathroom is the perfect place for mold, and it can grow on just about every surface. Once you find it, cleaning mold […]

6 Small Steps You Can Take Today to Get Organized for Good

A professional organizer offers advice on how to tidy up your home without feeling overwhelmed. The thought of getting (and staying) organized spurs a variety of reactions in different people. Some consider it a quick but necessary chore, while others see it as an insurmountable obstacle. However, organization isn’t just a way to get your […]

Soothing Decorating Ideas to Make Your Home a Stress-Free Sanctuary

Use these designer tips to create a personal retreat you’ll enjoy every day. Your home is your refuge. It’s where you can feel safe and relaxed when life gets overwhelming. Certain decorating choices help foster that sense of peace, and how you decorate a space can have a huge impact on how you feel while […]

5 Mistakes Made When Flipping Houses

What is House flipping? It is a real estate investment strategy in which an investor purchases a property with the intention of selling it for a profit. First as a house flipping investor you would want to buy low and sell high, but you have to complete the transaction as quickly as possible to limit […]

The FOUR Ways Real Estate Investors Make Money

When investing in real estate, the goal is to put money to work today and allow it to increase so that you have more money in the future. The profit, or “return,” you make on your real estate investments must be enough to cover the risk you take, taxes, utilities, and maintenance.   Here are […]

Questions To Ask Your Mortgage Lender

Before committing to a mortgage lender, you should research, read reviews and ask tons of questions. Get ready to provide the mortgage loan officer all of your personal information so they can give you the best advice and assistance. If you don’t like the answers to any of the questions continue shopping around. Even if you […]

How To Stock Your Home Bar | Bahamas Real Estate

A well-mixed drink can impress friends, romance a date or schmooze clients when stocking your home bar. First off think about what you like to drink and make your bar fit your style, taste, and budget. You can always add more as you discover new cocktail recipes or new spirits to try. To get started […]

Renovate Your Home Beautifully Yet Economically | Bahamas Real Estate

The key to renovating your home beautifully yet economically is to plan the entire process effectively. Whether you want to upgrade the shower in the bathroom, add a skylight to the bedroom or repair original hall tiles, we have affordable ideas that will make the dream a reality.   Budgeting It’s important to remember in […]

7 Pool Safety Tips to Ensure You Have a Splashing Good Time This Summer | Bahamas Real Estate

Pools are fun. But pools are also dangerous, and maintaining yours is a big responsibility. From handling potentially hazardous chemicals to safeguarding access and stocking all the right safety equipment, pool upkeep is no joke. However, the more preparation and attention you put into your backyard pool area, the safer your home will be. Here are […]

Things You Should Never Leave In The Bathroom | Bahamas Real Estate

Ahh, your bathroom. A place for reflection, peace and sometimes ease of tension. And many times a great start and end to  a productive day. This also means you spend a lot of time in your bathroom; showing, shaving, putting on makeup or even reading a good book. And what happens during your daily actives […]

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